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A work environment that enhances well-being is…

Published the 

11 March 2024


With its Work in Beau Plan philosophy, the city of Beau Plan envisions innovative workspaces where well-being at work is a priority. And to develop such an offering, Beau Plan provides much more than just modern and elegant offices! Thus, a work environment boosting well-being is…

… In an ideal location

Offering a range of shops, services, boutiques, and restaurants, Beau Plan aims to increase opportunities for its users and workers while simplifying their daily lives. And indeed, what could be more convenient than having a pharmacy, supermarket, or even a hairdresser just a few steps from your office?

… An environment that inspires creativity

The harmonious architecture of the city and its offices, scattered street art throughout the town, and rehabilitated industrial remains are details that capture attention, arouse curiosity, and spark ideas for Beau Plan’s workers.

… A pleasant working environment

In addition to providing carefully designed offices with beautiful views of the city, Beau Plan takes pride in maintaining an environment that captivates its users. Its tree-lined and shaded pathways are a fine example: adorned with different colors as the seasons unfold, they encourage relaxation and reflection.

… Beautiful work life balance

Well-being also involves taking care of yourself. And for that, there’s nothing like exercising to relieve stress. It’s so easy in Beau Plan: The Boutique Gym at The Strand, dance and yoga classes offered at the Creative Park, or the padel center at Mon Rocher provide ample opportunities to indulge in your favorite sport!

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